Some symptoms that can alert you to dental problems in your horse are:
loss of feed from the mouth while eating
slowness of eating
head tossing with or without contact
difficulty chewing or excess salivation
loss of weight or body condition
large, undigested food particles in manure
head tilting or tossing
bit chewing, tongue lolling, fighting the bit
resisting the bridle
bucking or failing to stop or turn
running through the bit
hesitation to turn, difficult transitions
foul ordour from mouth or nostrils
traces of blood in mouth
nasal discharge
swelling of face
tooth grinding
It is important to note that some horses might show no noticeable signs because they simply adapt to their discomfort. This is why it is important to have an annual dental checkup with your vet.
Contact us if you notice any behaviour that you that seems strange, as early intervention is always better and cheaper than attempting to recitfy a problem with your horse later on, when a condition or situation has possibly become much harder to fix.